Wednesday, November 7, 2018

A Relaxing Country Christmas Cookbook: Holiday Recipes you Should have got from your Grandmother (Homesteading Freedom)

A Relaxing Country Christmas Cookbook: Holiday Recipes you Should have got from your Grandmother (Homesteading Freedom)

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Make this year’s Christmas Celebration, one of the best ever!  As the years go by, and our previous generations that came before us fade away, it is an exciting thing to carry on traditions of generations past.
This exciting cookbook will bring those long lost Traditional Christmas Favorites back to life.  This cookbook by Carson and Kathy Wyatt features Classic Christmas recipes with roots from: the USA, Scandinavia, England, Germany, and much more.  Various drinks and punches, appetizers, main courses, and of course, desserts, are all covered. Figgy Pudding, Divinity, Traditional Christmas Punch, Wassail, and more, are just some of the treasures you will learn to make in: A Relaxing Country Christmas Cookbook: Recipes you Should Have got from Your Grandmother!

Buy it now!

Buy on Amazon (paperback/kindle/audio)

Buy Ebook other retailers: Nook, Apple, Kobo, etc 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Raising Beef Cattle for Beginners Guide

Want to Learn How to Raise Beef Cattle?

Carson Wyatt, a longtime Montana Rancher, has written a no-fluff, packed full of information book entitled "Beef Cattle for Beginners Guide."  It has been published by CiJiRO publishing and is available on Amazon and many other online retailers.

We asked Carson Wyatt what motivated him to write the book.  "Well I had been living a grind of a life as a Mechanical Engineer.  Living in Montana, it sometimes required a lot of travel and not seeing my family for a week or more at a time.  The money was good, but the way of life was not a happy one, taking a toll on myself and my family.  I knew I had to do something different to make my life a lot happier.  We downsized our big house, and moved off grid to a beautiful 30 acre homestead ranch with a cabin already on it.  I was still working my job at the time, but part time I started with a small herd of 10 cows and kept growing from there.  There is great money and also a great sense of knowing where your meat came from at the end of the day at your own dinner table.  I was able to quit my full time job and make my dream of full time cattle ranching a reality.  The best part is, I'm actually home with my family eating steaks at the dinner table, instead of eating fast food at a hotel somewhere for my old job Skyping my family back home!"

Pick up Carson Wyatt's Book: Raising Beef Cattle for Beginners Guide at Amazon

Carson Wyatt

Raising Beef Cattle: A Great New Adventure!

Raising  beef cattle can give you a new and exciting adventure that you and your family have been looking for.  Imagine your own beef cattle in your backyard providing steaks and more for you and your family.  You get the freshest and best quality, and the piece of mind knowing where you food came from, and how the animals were cared for.  If you just purchased your land, and have never done any ranching before, or are moving up from smaller livestock such as chickens, Raising Beef Cattle for Beginners Guide by Carson Wyatt will get you information you need to get started fast.  You'll be on your new adventure before you know it!

Beef Cattle Business Ideas too!

Suppose you want to take this further then just providing your family food.  Carson Wyatt's book: Raising Beef Cattle for Beginner's Guide takes it a step further and puts together different plans of business you can do with your growing herd.  Start small and expand!  The possibilities are endless.

The Wyatt Ranch in Beautiful Kalispell, Montana, USA.

Visit Carson Wyatt on Facebook:
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Carson's Amazon Author Page